Empowering you to live your fullest life.
Cultivate Conscious Awareness.
Build Optimal Health.
Own Your Truth.
An approach encouraging mindfulness and intentional action in every aspect of your life.
It involves cultivating habits and attitudes that promote personal growth, overall well-being, strong relationships, and a deep sense of fulfillment. With the guidance of Qicoach, you will explore yourself.
Acknowledging behaviors and modes of being you would like to shift, and determining what you would like to move toward. Together we identify practices you will implement to achieve your desired outcome.
”People have a fundamental need for transformation. We are wired for growth and healing. And we are wired for self-righting and resuming impeded growth. We have a need for the expansion and liberation of the self, the letting down of defensive barriers, and the dismantling of the false self. We are shaped by a desire to be seen, and recognized, as we strive to come into contacts with parts of ourselves that are frozen.” ~ Diana Fosha
“I have always admired Susan as a fabulous woman who inspires others to live their lives to their fullest potential.
Working with Susan has been a gift. She uses humor, wit, intuition, grace, love, and an open heart to probe into the truth of my heart’s desires. With her help and guidance, I have been able to step into my life and career with more confidence and a deeper awareness of my own gifts. She also helped uncover some hidden talents that surprised me, but were a part of my life’s purpose. Susan is one of those earth angels that has the ability to see into the bigger picture of one’s life, bring out the best in that person, and affect change on a deep soul level. ”
“In reflecting about my work with Susan, the predominant feeling I have about it is that I feel truly ‘seen’ and understood. There have been many instances during our coaching sessions where I have hesitated to say the next thing and Susan picks up on this intuitively, has us pause, and provides the space and time that allows me to go deeper. In my time working with Susan, I’ve gotten to a much deeper level of understanding of my reactions and where they stem from, and I’ve also been able to look at situations from a different perspective.
And, while I have explored many different healing modalities in my life, I can say with certainty that Susan has an ability to get to the heart of the matter quickly and offer practical tools I can carry with me.
Susan has a mighty gift, and I feel fortunate to have met her and to be able to work with her. She is a true healer.”
““Susan, beautiful talking to you. Thank you so much for your huge wisdom and insight, and also the mind/body shattering shift for me. KAH POW WOW!””
“Susan is engaging, fun, funny and doesn’t miss a thing. Her ability to guide me through the process is amazing. I feel like Susan gets me where I am and does so in a way that opens me to my potential. It feels like we are tending an overgrown path…a bit of remembering who I am, letting go of old stories that are not serving me anymore, and finding a practice that lets me nurture who I am becoming.
The power in the process is immediate. I am so grateful.”
“Susan is an extraordinary human being, an extraordinary soul,
and an extraordinary coach.
I feel so incredibly blessed and honored to have the privilege of coaching with Susan. She brings many incredible and invaluable qualities and gifts to her work and to her clients, such as her wisdom, intelligence, intuition, grace, humor, honesty, compassion, perception and a deep healing spirit. She is uniquely gifted and unlike any other person I have worked with. Working with Susan is an amazing and transformative journey. She gently and expertly guides me to my truth, to the discovery of my heart and soul, by means of her finely honed skills:
Her perception, her knowingness of what is needed and important at this very moment in time, her clarity, her humor, and most of all her love, compassion and passion for her work.
She gets results - and yes - she holds me accountable, shows me practical tools, and then gently and lovingly urges me forward into territory unknown.
Susan has a deep passion for her work and her mission - to help her clients discover themselves, at our deepest levels and essence, and to teach us how to truly live our lives, from our hearts and souls as we are uniquely meant to in this world.
Working with Susan is an amazing and profound journey.”
“Susan’s coaching skills go far beyond the word “coach”!
She has insight into the Human Experience to understand what questions to ask so that we become empowered to ask ourselves the most important questions in our own process.
I felt seen, understood and supported in every aspect of Being Fully Human!
Her enthusiasm and ability to hone in on exactly what needs to be accomplished in the very moment was so very helpful for me to stay on track and see what my priorities were. Susan is wise and very available, and wow she really ROCKS!
I feel she helped me in so many ways of seeing my life and trusting my own process, while helping me to have a wider lens and take the best action possible!
Thank you Susan!”
“Within a year’s time I got married, moved to Boulder, got pregnant, left the full-time work force, and bought a house – whew! Susan was instrumental in helping me embrace these life changes and transition with ease.”
“Through our coaching relationship, Susan has walked ahead of me, inviting me into the places God has designed me to be spiritually, mentally, relationally, emotionally, and physically. She has walked behind me as a cheerleader. And she has walked beside me as a friend. She has seen me more fully than I have seen myself, and whether it has been through gentle encouragement or hard truths, she has called me toward the best version of myself.
And, oh, how we have laughed along the way.”
“Susan has been an incredibly potent presence in my life over the past several years, as coach, mentor and sounding board, she continues to be the mirror that exposes my every move and thought in such a way that I see myself more clearly each time we engage.
Her ability to hold space, build trust, and bring humor to each session is truly remarkable. Her style allows me to feel comfortable seeing myself equally for my strengths and weaknesses, so that I can move forward from a place of the deepest knowing of who I am. When straying from the path, I often find that I hear her voice posing questions that encourage me to make choices that remind me of my dreams and goals, so that I make choices that support living my fullest, most integrated life.
I am truly indebted to her.”
“Susan is consistently awesome. In mere short months, Susan has expertly guided me to uncover passions I insisted I didn’t have, embrace traits I had rejected, accomplish what I thought was impossible, and venture - literally and metaphorically - to places I had only dreamed about before.”